Milford Campus, 419 Elm Street, Milford, NH 03055 

Welcome to the Milford Campus

The Milford campus is made up of people who are deeply committed to one another. Just off "the oval" in Milford, the Milford Campus meets at 419 Elm St. in a shared property with Gurney's Automotive. Along with the Crossway's regular Sunday service we have community events where we spend time, serve, play and eat together on a regular basis. We hope to see you soon.

Note: We're now meeting in our new location at 419 Elm St. Milford, NH.

Sunday Gatherings

Sunday 10:00am


Sunday 10:00am


Crossway Student Ministry is Sundays at The Pond Campus from 4:00-6:00pm

Serving Opportunities

Kidsway - Jessica Schoenly
Worship - Luke Wenrich

Milford Campus Staff

John Hubbard

Jessica Schoenly

Luke Wenrich


Kidsway Coordinator
Milford Campus

Worship Arts Director - Milford Campus
Director of Facilities