Hello, friend! Here at Crossway everyone is welcome because no one is perfect, and anything is possible with God. We’d love to connect with you as we pursue God, build community, and unleash compassion.
Practicing The Way of Jesus Together
Hello, friend! Here at Crossway everyone is welcome because no one is perfect, and anything is possible with God. We’d love to connect with you as we pursue God, build community, and unleash compassion.
Our mission as a church family is practicing the Way of Jesus together here in New England. We believe Jesus brilliantly lived the best life anyone ever lived, and we are learning to live our lives the way he lived. We’d love to have you and your family join us on Way wherever you are on your spiritual journey.
The Way of Jesus
We believe that Jesus not only lived a perfect life, but that he modeled a way of living life that was better for his followers — a Way that led to peace and came out of a relationship with God. This kind of life — the "with God life," or "The Way of Jesus" — is marked by spiritual practices and habits like Prayer, Meditation, Silence, Fasting, Study of God’s Word, Solitude, Service, Sabbath, and intentional Community with other believers that entails Worship, Confession, Fellowship and more. The point of these practices is not to be really good at the practices themselves, but to experience the positive results of consistently doing the practices. Find out more by watching the video!
The Way of Jesus
We believe that Jesus not only lived a perfect life, but that he modeled a way of living life that was better for his followers — a Way that led to peace and came out of a relationship with God. This kind of life — the "with God life," or "The Way of Jesus" — is marked by spiritual practices and habits like Prayer, Meditation, Silence, Fasting, Study of God’s Word, Solitude, Service, Sabbath, and intentional Community with other believers that entails Worship, Confession, Fellowship and more. The point of these practices is not to be really good at the practices themselves, but to experience the positive results of consistently doing the practices. Find out more by watching the video!
Plan a Visit
Crossway is one church in three locations across Southern New Hampshire. We would love to have you join us online or in-person, whichever works best for your family. Our worship gatherings feature contemporary music, a relaxed “come as you are” atmosphere, and Bible-based teaching that is both relevant and practical.
Plan a Visit
Crossway is one church in three locations across Southern New Hampshire. We would love to have you join us online or in-person, whichever works best. Our worship gatherings feature contemporary music, a relaxed “come as you are” atmosphere, and Bible-based teaching that is both relevant and practical.

Pursuing God
Building Community
Unleashing Compassion
We want to commit ourselves to pursuing a genuine and intimate relationship with God, trusting His way of doing things and being invited into the overflowing, eternal, true life of the Kingdom of God through the life-giving Spirit of God Himself.
We want to live in community with each other as a diverse and vibrant, loving and compassionate family united by Jesus' vision for true life and the Spirit of God, having all things in common, and being devoted to teaching, fellowship, service, and worship.
In the same way that Jesus welcomes all kinds of people to the table, we want to do the same for our community, coming alongside those around us in celebration and in grief, for fellowship and for service, as Christ did and continues to do for and through us.
Pursuing God
Building Community
Unleashing Compassion
We want to commit ourselves to pursuing a genuine and intimate relationship with God, trusting His way of doing things, spending time with Him, and being activated into the overflowing, eternal, true life of the Kingdom of God through the life-giving Spirit of God Himself.
We want to live in community with each other as a diverse and vibrant, loving and compassionate family united by Jesus' vision for true life and the Spirit of God, having all things in common, and being devoted to teaching, fellowship, service, and worship.
In the same way that Jesus welcomes all kinds of people to the table, we want to do the same for our community, coming alongside those around us in celebration and in grief, for fellowship and for service, as Christ did and continues to do for and through us.
Crossway Beliefs
Read about the beliefs that inform our faith, worship, and ministry — about the Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church, and more — by clicking the button below.
Crossway Culture
Read about the characteristics we hope to see in ourselves and our community as we seek to unleash compassion into the world by pursuing God together by clicking the button below.
Our Beliefs
Read what we believe about the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church, and more by clicking the button below. These beliefs inform our faith, worship, and ministry.
Our Culture
Read about the characteristics we hope to see in ourselves and our community as we seek to unleash compassion into the world by pursuing God together as a family by clicking the button below.