Watch this welcome video from Pastor Dave.
An EXCITING update from Pastor Dave.

How to be involved
Download the Booklet
Collect a booklet at any of the Crossway campuses or download the PDF here.
Give to Kairos Moment
Follow this link to give to Kairos Moment
Hey Crossway Family & Friends, One of the questions I often ask God to help me discern his leading is, “Lord, what is this time for?” Think prayerfully for a moment: what is this time in your life for? One of the New Testament Greek words we have for time is kairos. It can be defined as “the right time,” or “the opportune point of time at which a thing should be done.” We find it used in Paul’s words to the Ephesians: “Be very careful, then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity (kairos), because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16). While Paul’s words were written nearly 2,000 years ago—to believers who lived in what is now modern day Turkey—the truth of this message resonates just as powerfully as ever. The days feel evil around us. The church in America is in steep decline. There’s been nearly a complete disappearance of moral knowledge in our society. Even more, New Hampshire and Massachusetts are the states where people are least likely to attend church any given Sunday. Despite this, Crossway Christian Church is growing. Just in our 2022-2023 ministry year alone, our church grew by 29%. As a pastor and leader, this makes me wonder and pray:
Lord, what is this time in the life of our church, amidst this culture, for?
We believe God has given us direction—through the praying of this prayer—to boldly enter into the spiritual journey we are calling, Kairos Moment. When God’s calling and our living overlap, we believe we are given the opportunity to seize a kairos moment—a unique opportunity to join in what God is doing. We believe this is a kairos moment for our church to pursue God, build community and unleash compassion like never before, as we practice the way of Jesus together. And we believe this is a time for each of us to take our place and do our part to seize the divine opportunity we sense God has placed before us. In 2025 Crossway will turn 30 years old. In the pages that follow, you will see the vision we believe God has given for Crossway, as our church hits the next milestone in its God-story here in New England. We believe God is calling us to take next steps to position our Milford Campus to have a permanent home. We believe God is leading us to expand our Pond Campus so we can accommodate the accelerating growth we’re experiencing, and strengthen our ministry to the next generation—including launching a new ministry to better serve families with children with special needs. We hope and pray you will join us in this journey, as together, we make the most of the kairos moment God has put before us.
For God’s greater glory, Pastor Dave Ripper
When will the Kairos Moment pledges/commitment begin and end?
Kairos Moment is a 36-month commitment beginning on November 19, 2023 and ending in November 2026. Our goal is to raise 2 million dollars in addition to our annual budget during this period.
How do I give toward my commitment?
You can contribute to Kairos Moment at crosswaycc.org/give (select Kairos on dropdown menu), or by writing a check designated, “Kairos.” Checks can be placed in the offering slots in our worship centers on Sundays or sent to 503 Main Dunstable Road Nashua, NH 03062. Should you have any questions, please contact our church office at 603.594.0123.
Will I have an opportunity to revise my commitment?
Yes. You may revise your commitment, either up or down, at any time during the 36-month period by contacting the church.
I am new to Crossway. Is there a way I can participate in Kairos Moment?
Absolutely! We are asking all who call Crossway their church home to participate. Simply fill out a commitment card and turn it in to our church office or in the offering slots during our worship services.
How does the spiritual journey of Kairos Moment work?
There are many ways you can participate! First, we are asking everyone to incorporate the Kairos Prayer into their daily time of prayer. Simply ask God: Lord, what is this time for? Then, listen and respond to God’s leading. Secondly, we are encouraging everyone to take a next step toward involvement beyond Sunday. Consider attending our night of worship on October 20, 2023, join a small group, or begin serving in a ministry. Third, Jesus says, in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Because generosity is a key spiritual practice, we encourage everyone to financially give towards this initiative. Lastly, follow the Kairos Moment Prayer guide and pray with us.
What will happen if we exceed our fundraising goal?
Our elders, staff, and financial board of directors will prayerfully discern how to best allocate financial contributions that exceed 2 million dollars. We anticipate any additional resources will be seed money used to enable our Milford Campus to move into its permanent home, and offset any unforeseen Pond Campus expansion costs.
When do you anticipate securing a permanent space for our Milford Campus?
We have been eagerly searching for a permanent space for our Milford Campus to call home for several years. Kairos Moment will help position our Milford Campus to be ready to move when God opens the right door—in his good timing.
When do you anticipate breaking ground on Pond Campus expansion?
Following Commitment Sunday on November 19, 2023, we will continue seeking quotes for construction costs and timeline (beyond those we have already received). We hope that we will be able to begin construction in 2024, as funds are received.
How does Kairos Moment impact our Downtown Campus?
Crossway’s previous capital campaign enabled the Downtown Campus to build and move into its permanent home on Pine Street in 2018. Currently, the Downtown Campus is being fully used throughout the week for Crossway ministries, and by partnering organizations. In order to continue expanding our ministry to the Greater Nashua community, we need more space. The addition to our Pond Campus’s children’s ministry wing, will allow Crossway groups who are using Downtown space throughout the week, to meet in this new space. This will create much-needed room for our Downtown Campus to launch more ministries to the local community, such as Celebrate Recovery.
What if I have additional questions?
We would love to connect with you. Please contact our church office, one of our pastors or elders, to set up a time to meet.
Kairos Moment is a 36-month commitment beginning on November 19, 2023 and ending in November 2026. Our goal is to raise 2 million dollars in addition to our annual budget during this period.
How do I give toward my commitment?
You can contribute to Kairos Moment at crosswaycc.org/give (select Kairos on dropdown menu), or by writing a check designated, “Kairos.” Checks can be placed in the offering slots in our worship centers on Sundays or sent to 503 Main Dunstable Road Nashua, NH 03062. Should you have any questions, please contact our church office at 603.594.0123.
Will I have an opportunity to revise my commitment?
Yes. You may revise your commitment, either up or down, at any time during the 36-month period by contacting the church.
I am new to Crossway. Is there a way I can participate in Kairos Moment?
Absolutely! We are asking all who call Crossway their church home to participate. Simply fill out a commitment card and turn it in to our church office or in the offering slots during our worship services.
How does the spiritual journey of Kairos Moment work?
There are many ways you can participate! First, we are asking everyone to incorporate the Kairos Prayer into their daily time of prayer. Simply ask God: Lord, what is this time for? Then, listen and respond to God’s leading. Secondly, we are encouraging everyone to take a next step toward involvement beyond Sunday. Consider attending our night of worship on October 20, 2023, join a small group, or begin serving in a ministry. Third, Jesus says, in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Because generosity is a key spiritual practice, we encourage everyone to financially give towards this initiative. Lastly, follow the Kairos Moment Prayer guide and pray with us.
What will happen if we exceed our fundraising goal?
Our elders, staff, and financial board of directors will prayerfully discern how to best allocate financial contributions that exceed 2 million dollars. We anticipate any additional resources will be seed money used to enable our Milford Campus to move into its permanent home, and offset any unforeseen Pond Campus expansion costs.
When do you anticipate securing a permanent space for our Milford Campus?
We have been eagerly searching for a permanent space for our Milford Campus to call home for several years. Kairos Moment will help position our Milford Campus to be ready to move when God opens the right door—in his good timing.
When do you anticipate breaking ground on Pond Campus expansion?
Following Commitment Sunday on November 19, 2023, we will continue seeking quotes for construction costs and timeline (beyond those we have already received). We hope that we will be able to begin construction in 2024, as funds are received.
How does Kairos Moment impact our Downtown Campus?
Crossway’s previous capital campaign enabled the Downtown Campus to build and move into its permanent home on Pine Street in 2018. Currently, the Downtown Campus is being fully used throughout the week for Crossway ministries, and by partnering organizations. In order to continue expanding our ministry to the Greater Nashua community, we need more space. The addition to our Pond Campus’s children’s ministry wing, will allow Crossway groups who are using Downtown space throughout the week, to meet in this new space. This will create much-needed room for our Downtown Campus to launch more ministries to the local community, such as Celebrate Recovery.
What if I have additional questions?
We would love to connect with you. Please contact our church office, one of our pastors or elders, to set up a time to meet.