Monday School

Beginning Fall 2024

On Monday evenings Crossway is offering an environment to help you learn to live like Jesus—Monday School.  If we desire to do everything Jesus said (Matthew 28:19), we cannot merely try hard, we must train well.  We must train our heart, head, and hands to live, lead and love like Christ.  Monday School is our opportunity to be trained in the areas of spiritual formation (heart), theology (head), and ministry (hands).

Next Monday School: Experiencing the Trinity
What kind of life does a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit make possible? Explore this question and many others related to the mysterious yet powerful doctrine of the Trinity.  

Monday School is not just for adults either!  Middle and high school students are encouraged to attend the adult course.

Mondays | 6:30 - 8:00pm | Pond Campus & Online
Children's program and childcare available
Check back to see when our next Monday school classes begin.