John, a New Englander by birth, grew up just north of Boston, but left New England for university in SC where he met his wife Janice. Janice is from Calgary, AB, Canada, and they were married in the Canadian Rockies over 30 years ago. They moved to New Hampshire in 1997 and have lived in Mont Vernon since then. They have 4 adult children (3 married) and two grandkids. Serving in the local church has always been a part of their adult lives. Shortly after Crossway Milford opened its doors they started attending and have worked in Kidsway and lead small groups. John ushers and hosts and Janice plays keys on the worship team. Small groups and Bible studies have been vital to their spiritual growth and they want to share that experience with others. John works for a global healthcare equipment manufacturer and spends most days driving to hospitals all around New England. They love spending time with their family as well as being outdoors enjoying NH during all 4 seasons