Kidsway Volunteer Training
Any time an adult leader spends time intentionally investing in kids and teenagers, it actually matters more than they realize. The limited hours you spend this year will add up over time.
The investment you make now will gain interest in a kid’s life as they grow. But what if there was a way to make those limited hours matter more?
As a small group leader in Kidsway, you are part of a team that is partnering with parents as they disciple their child to practice the ways of Jesus. Not just on Sundays, but everyday of the week.
Any time an adult leader spends time intentionally investing in kids and teenagers, it actually matters more than they realize. The limited hours you spend this year will add up over time.
The investment you make now will gain interest in a kid’s life as they grow. But what if there was a way to make those limited hours matter more?
As a small group leader in Kidsway, you are part of a team that is partnering with parents as they disciple their child to practice the ways of Jesus. Not just on Sundays, but everyday of the week.