As a community, we are committing to pray Monday-Saturday throughout Lent. Prayer is the foundation of spiritual growth, aligning our hearts with God and drawing us closer to Him. For 40 days, we will gather in prayer each morning, offering an opportunity to seek God together.

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Pond Campus

Sunday 8:00, 9:30am, 11:00am
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Downtown Campus

Sunday 10:00am
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Milford Campus

Sunday 10:00am
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Church for your family

At Crossway, families are invited into Christ-centered community to be encouraged, supported, and equipped for following Jesus and raising the next generation in today's world.
Receive updates about our church community, upcoming events, and messages to inspire and encourage your faith. We’re blessed to have you with us and can’t wait to stay connected.

Get Involved

Whether you're new to Crossway or been a part of this family for a while, here are some ways to connect, grow, serve, and be equipped.


At Crossway, we want to foster a community unified by Jesus, having all things in common and devoted to teaching, fellowship, worship, and service. Get connected with a ministry or small group by clicking the button.

Next Steps

Wherever you are in your journey, there is always somewhere to go. We are here to help you take next steps with Jesus. Whether your next step is baptism or taking a class, find help by clicking the button.


We rely on our community's support to back our ministry at Crossway. You can donate funds online or in person, or volunteer your time and talents. Learn more about how you can give by clicking the button.


We are a praying church. On Wednesday mornings we gather together to pray for the Church, our community, and the world. Submit a prayer card, learn about prayer, and join our team by clicking the button.

Get Involved

Whether you're new to Crossway or you've been a part of this family for a while, here are some ways to connect, grow, serve, and be equipped.


At Crossway, we want to foster a community united by Jesus, having all things in common and devoted to teaching, fellowship, worship, and service. Get plugged into a ministry or small group by clicking the button.

Next Steps

Wherever you are in your journey, there is always somewhere to go. We are here to help you take next steps with Jesus. Whether your next step is baptism, serving, or taking a class, find it by clicking the button.


We rely on our community's support to back our ministry at Crossway. You can donate funds online or in person, or volunteer your time and talents. Learn more about how you can give by clicking the button.


If you are curious about something and you want to dive deeper, you can utilize several tools created for discipleship and education. Browse articles, past teachings, and our podcast by clicking the button.

Recent Teachings

Our teachings dive into God's Word to encourage us to open our eyes and experience His presence in the circumstances and realities of our lives. Need to catch-up on a series or just want to review a past message? You can view them by clicking on the image.


Missed a sermon or want to listen on the go? Check out Crossway's Podcast channel in the Apple Podcast app or on Spotify!

Recent Teachings

Our teachings dive into God's Word to encourage us to opens our eyes and experience His presence in the circumstances and realities of our lives. Need to catch-up on a series or just want to review a past message? You can view them by clicking on the image.


To address the deeply felt needs Christians and churches have faced over the past few years, our lead pastor, Dave Ripper, hosted a podcast inviting us to experience deeper healing and freedom over the 40 days of Lent. Have a listen by clicking on the image.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.


See what's coming up at Crossway! To register or find more information, click on an event.