Acts 2:42-47

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Connect with a Small Group

We believe it's important for all people to be in intentional, Christ-centered community with others. We would love to help you get connected to one of our small groups! Questions on Small Groups? Contact John Dorr

Men's Groups

Women's Groups

Young Adult Groups

Co-Ed Groups

Men's Groups

Thursday Evening Men's Group - Register

Bob Berkman and John Dorr 
Thursday at 6:30pm | Pond Campus -Open Classroom Main Building 
Men's group utilizing the study "One At A Time” by Kyle Idleman. In this study, Idleman challenges us to fully commit to the unexpected -- Jesus' way of changing the world by loving people one at a time. Discover how God can use you as the group engages in thought-provoking teaching and discussion.

Saturday Morning Men's Group - Register

Bob Wherry and Don Mitchell
Saturdays at 8:30am | The Pond Campus & Zoom
Our focus will be on a Bible Study, discussion, fellowship and praying for each others needs. We are currently studying "The Full Armor of God". We do a hybrid most weeks, and sometimes virtually as needed. 

Women's Groups

Sunday Women’s Group - Currently full

Kristin Scott & Kristine Willett
Sunday at 3:00pm | Pond Campus
Beth Moore - Chasing Vines book will be the focus of our group. 

Tuesday Women’s Group - Currently full

Dorothy Pullo & Nancy Smith
Tuesdays at 6:45pm-8:00pm | Zoom 
This is a study of Andrew Murray's book "Abiding in Christ". The group is for mature women who desire to draw closer to Christ in their spiritual walk.

Wednesday Women’s Group - Register

Shirley Paquette 
Wednesdays at 10:00am-12:00pm | Hudson 
A Study of the book of James. This group is for women who desire a deeper relationship with God though the study of scripture and who also enjoy fun and fellowship as we navigate life together.

Koinonia Women's Group - Register

Margaret Barron
Tuesdays at 7:00-8:30pm | The Pond Campus
Our group tries to live by Hebrews 10:24, 25.  We strive to be vulnerably transparent and lovingly supportive of one another. We are currently meeting, but won't be starting another study until the first Tuesday in October, at which time we will be doing "Luke" by Lisa Hartman.

Co-Ed Groups

Sunday Morning Co-ed Group -Register

Derek Santos  
Sunday at 8:00-9:30 am | Downtown Campus
This group is studying the book of Ephesians using the excellent study guide developed by Max Lucado. Group members will experience growth in God's word, prayer, discipleship, and simply getting to know our Savior on a deeper level.

Those who attend will also have an opportunity to learn the steps it takes to lead an effective small group and will be given the opportunity, if desired, to serve through facilitating and serving hands on with others. Derek will be there to help along the way and look forward to seeing how God will shape all of us to become loving, faithful, and bold disciples for His glory.

Tactics Group -Register

Kevin & Lori Peters
Wednesday at 7:o0pm | Merrimack
Learning how to have meaningful conversations about curious questions regarding Christianity. 

SINKS & DINKS Group - Currently full

Anoli Bragdon and Brianna Lindsay 
Wednesday at 7:o0pm | Merrimack
This group is for adults in their 30's and 40's, single or married, with no kids (Single Income, No Kids and Double Income, No Kids).

Become a Better Disciple of Jesus Group Register

Don Mitchell & Nancy Smith
Tuesday at 7:o0pm | Begins January 9th | Online every third week 
Become a Better Disciple of Jesus Course: Experience Drawing Closer to God and Fulfilling His Fruitful Plan for Your Life. *Click registration to see a full description of the course. 

Christian Book Club - Register

Zachery Oliver
Thursday at 7:o0pm | Begins February 1st| Hudson
Join us as we read interesting, challenging and (sometimes) controversial books relating to Christianity, spirituality, and theology. Come with an open mind and a willingness to discuss deep topics.

Engaged and Married Small Groups

Love Like You Mean It - The Heart of a Marriage That Honors God- Register

Joe & Shirley Paquette
Thursdays at 7:o0pm | TBD
This group is for married or engaged couples and is offered as part of the Crossway Marriage Ministry and taught by trained marriage mentors. We will be using the  book "Love Like You Mean It"  by Bob Lepine 

Young Couples - Engaged & Married - Currently full

Tom & Val Johnson
Mondays @ 6:00pm | Downtown Campus
This group is open to any young couples who are either engaged or married. Kids are welcome! This small group plans to meet twice monthly at the Downtown Campus - to connect, grow relationships, and share experiences from a similar phase of life! We look forward to connecting with you.

Young Adult Groups

Looking Inward: Understand Yourself & God with the Enneagram -  Full

Forrest & Olivia Barwood
Tuesday at 7pm | Starts April 9 | Nashua
We have each been fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Join us to explore both the unique ways God has wired you, as well as reflect on how scripture can speak to some of your core fears and desires. We will be using the enneagram framework and the book “The Road Back to You” as a tool to facilitate this reflection. This study will include weekly reading ahead of each meeting.

The Life of Jesus: Reading Scripture Quickly -  Register

Sam and Renee Parris
Wednesdays at 7pm | Starts April 10 | Downtown Campus
When we read the Bible in big chunks, we can better grasp the big picture of who God is and how He works. Join us for a traditional method of approaching the Bible, taking turns reading out loud all four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This fast-paced approach to reading scripture will give us a comprehensive understanding of Jesus’s life and ministry while helping us see the nuances between each gospel.

Hearing God’s Voice: Reading Scripture Slowly -  Full

Juli & Nolen Smith
Wednesdays at 7pm | Starts April 10 | Downtown Nashua
God has revealed so much about who He is in Scripture — but He also speaks to us personally through it when we slow down to listen! In this small group, we will practice Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), an ancient discipline of reading scripture slowly to listen to God’s voice. We will reflect on selected scripture passages and share our insights, revelations, and experiences to become more attentive to the voice of God in our lives.

1-2 Peter and Jude: Holding Fast to Christ -  Full

Anson Thibault and Joseph Madill
Thursday at 7pm | Starts April 11 | Tyngsboro, MA
As young adults, we often feel pulled in many different directions, with competing demands for our time and attention. Join us to explore 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude and discover ways to hold fast to navigate the challenges of today's world while staying true to our faith and values.

Romans: Fullness of the Gospel  -  Full

Esther Enloe and Carly DeLeonardo
Thursdays at 7pm | Starts April 11 | South Nashua
The book of Romans is a masterpiece. With a focus on uniting the Jews and Gentiles in Rome, Paul crafts a compelling summary of why Jesus came, and how that should impact our daily lives. In this small group, we will explore this letter together, with an emphasis on how we can apply these truths to our lives every week.